
AI-Writer neural network

Use artificial intelligence to your advantage without sacrificing content quality

  • Business model: Free Trial
  • Minimum subscription cost: $29/mo
  • is a content creation tool that uses artificial intelligence technology to generate optimized content, web copy, and article structures. This allows site owners and bloggers to create content directly targeted to their users.

    Using AI-Writer is easy, no matter your level of expertise. All you have to do is provide one or two pieces of information and the tool will generate the content for you.

    AI-Writer has several notable features:

    • Quote List Generation: When AI-Writer examines your content, it will generate a quote list for you. It also gives you a specific list of sources to reference if you need to dig deeper into a topic.
    • Rewording Text: If you're reimagining your site or want to freshen up an old article, AI-Writer's text reformulation can help. You can upload your work and AI-Writer will rewrite it for you with SEO-perfect content.
    • SEO Text Editor: Although AI-Writer's goal is to create content for you, it is not the only option. You can also create content yourself using SEO Text Editor. This tool provides perfectly optimized content for your website.
    • Subtopic Finder: AI-Writer offers a subtopic locator to help you determine what to write about next. The program will look at what other authors have written about and use that content to generate new topics for you.

    AI-Writer offers a variety of pricing plans, each with a monthly fee and offering varying levels of tools and services. For example, the Basic plan is ideal for solo bloggers and startups with multiple blogs. You can generate up to 40 articles every month with the basic plan.

    In conclusion, AI-Writer is a great tool for bloggers and website managers who want to create high-quality content for users on a regular basis. Since planning, drafting, writing and editing articles can take hours, if not days, using a tool like AI-Writer will significantly reduce your time.

    AI-Writer: how to use, instructions, video

  • AI-Writer: video

    Simplified AI Writer Overview ⚡

The AI-Writer neural network was first published on 03/01/2023 23:29:13 and manually edited on 07/10/2023 21:44:14.

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