
Corpora neural network

  • Business model: Free
  • Corpora is an artificial intelligence-powered search of your documents. You can upload your PDFs, Word documents, tables and other data formats to the site and ask questions in natural language. Corpora uses the latest AI technologies such as GPT-4 to give you human-like answers, not just text snippets from documents. You can also connect various data sources such as Salesforce, Slack and many others to turn all your information into one smart knowledge base.

    Corpora offers a variety of pricing plans for individuals and businesses, as well as self-hosting options. Corpora is a powerful tool for those who want to quickly and easily find answers to their questions from their documents.

The Corpora neural network was first published on 03/07/2023 21:52:18 and manually edited on 04/18/2023 21:13:51.

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