
Musico neural network

  • Business model: Contact developers for pricing details
  • Musico is an AI-powered software engine that generates music by combining traditional and modern machine learning algorithms to create endless streams of copyright-free music in a wide range of styles. This innovative tool allows creators to work with music and apply sound in new ways that adapt to context in real time, from semi-automatic to fully automatic composition. Musico's engines can generate endless melodies, rhythms and harmonies, combining autonomy and responsiveness to creator inputs, making it an AI-powered tool for creating everything from musical sketches to full songs.

    The versatility of Musico technology extends beyond music production as it can be displayed and react in real time to a variety of control signals, opening up endless possibilities for interaction. For example, apps like Impro allow musicians and performers to generate music in real time by controlling Musico with intuitive gestures. The technology also has applications in developing next-generation soundtracks for storytellers, games and cross-media developers, where it can be used to create dynamic and immersive audio experiences.

    Musico's engines are the core of its functionality, where combinatorial algorithms and machine learning generate music based on a wide range of input strategies. The technology offers new possibilities for any music-related product or service, making it an attractive solution for businesses and individuals looking to incorporate AI-generated music into their offerings.

    Prices and Availability

    Musico is currently available as a pre-release and offers a free VST plugin for Mac. This makes Musico easy for users to use without a significant initial investment. As the technology matures, additional features and platforms are likely to be added, expanding the capabilities and potential applications of Musico's AI-powered music generation capabilities.

The Musico neural network was first published on 2024-05-20 19:46:49 and manually edited on 2024-07-04 12:26:53.