Engage your potential clients like never before
BHuman is a platform for creating and distributing personalized video content. You can make one video and tailor it to thousands of recipients. You can send videos to any channel and instantly track results.
Create personalized videos
Start with one video and personalize it for your audience so they feel like you just recorded a video for them.
Send via email, sms or linkedin
Submit your videos directly from the platform in just a few clicks. Or set up an ongoing Linkedin campaign.
Clone yourself with Persona
Create a digital clone that looks and sounds like you and can video chat with your audience on your behalf.
Unlimited possibilities
With over 6 PhD degrees, BHuman is the undisputed leader in video artificial intelligence.
1. Record your template
Record a short video on our platform using your webcam or phone. In any language.
2. Connect your data
Import a spreadsheet, integrate with over 5,000 apps, or connect via API.
3. Submit your videos
Just one click to create thousands of personalized videos that look like the real thing. Send via email, SMS, Linkedin or Zapier.
The BHuman neural network was first published on 2024-04-22 01:52:53 and manually edited on 2024-10-29 15:42:04.