Wand AI

Wand AI neural network

  • Business model: Free Trial
  • Minimum subscription cost: $2/unit
  • Wand AI is an artificial intelligence platform that allows non-professional and professional users to easily and quickly create and run high-level AI-powered applications - all in a no-code, plug-in mode.

    Using proprietary technology, our platform automates the full lifecycle of AI solutions - from DataOps to MLOps - from start to finish, with no coding required. Wand AI helps organizations move from point solutions built in isolation to business-focused artificial intelligence. Working from data to company-wide value, the Wand AI platform empowers everyone to make better decisions continuously, measure value creation, and maximize the potential of artificial intelligence.

The Wand AI neural network was first published on 03/07/2023 21:52:15 and manually edited on 09/18/2024 10:06:36.

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