
Hachi neural network

Semantic video search

  • For free
  • Artificial Intelligence for Natural Search in Videos and Images Hachi is an advanced artificial intelligence service that allows users to search for information in their personal videos and images using natural language. This innovative tool offers a unique interface that allows users to query their media collections using simple text queries, making it easier to find specific scenes, objects or people in videos and images.

    In addition, Hachi includes advanced features such as facial recognition, allowing users to quickly find and identify people in their image collections. Main functions and capabilities:

    - Natural Language Search: Using AI-powered search functionality, Hachi allows users to query their media collections using natural language, making it easier to find specific content without having to know technical details about the files.

    - Face recognition: This feature allows users to search for specific people in their image collections, making it a powerful tool for personal and professional use.

    - Indexing and Storage: Hachi stores all indexed videos and images locally on the user's device, ensuring fast search times and maintaining user data privacy.

    - Offline work: Unlike other artificial intelligence services, Hachi works completely offline, allowing you to access media collections and perform searches without depending on the Internet.

    Technical requirements

    - Hardware: Hachi requires a quad-core processor with AVX2 instructions and at least 4GB of RAM. Currently only x86_64 architectures are supported.

    - Software: The service is designed to run as a standalone web application, eliminating the need for an Internet connection. Pricing and Licensing  

    Free Version: Hachi offers a free version with limited features including natural language search on all indexed videos and images, facial recognition on all indexed images, and email support.

    Paid version: The paid version includes all the features of the free version, plus improved video search, unlimited indexed videos and images, community support, and free updates for one year.

    Licensing: The paid version is licensed for personal and non-commercial use only. The open source code is available under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPLv3) or any subsequent version. Conclusion Hachi is a powerful artificial intelligence service that simplifies the process of searching through personal media collections using natural language. Its offline operation and local storage keep user data private, and its advanced features such as facial recognition make it a valuable tool for both personal and professional use. With flexible pricing options and open source, Hachi is an attractive solution for those who want to harness the power of artificial intelligence to manage their media collections.

    Hachi: how to use, instructions, video

  • Hachi: video

    Hachi - Semantic videos/images search demo

The Hachi neural network was first published on 2024-05-20 19:46:41 and manually edited on 2024-05-30 21:37:33.

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