

  • Business model: Paid
  • AI Hairstyles is an online service that uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to allow users to virtually try on different hairstyles and hair colors. This innovative tool is designed to simplify the process of learning different hairstyles without the need for multiple trips to the salon or the expense of trial and error. With AI Hair, users can upload a selfie and choose from a wide range of styles and colors to get realistic previews of what they'll look like with a new look. The service offers a wide selection of hairstyles, including afro, bald, bob, braids, wedding style, bun, clipper, dreadlocks, emo, french bob, long ponytail, baby, pampadour, razor, short curls, short braids, back hairstyle and undercut, among others.

    How it works

    To use AI Hair, users simply upload a selfie (or up to four) and select the styles and colors they're interested in. The AI ​​algorithm then generates realistic previews of what the user will look like with the chosen hairstyle and color. This process is fast and usually takes only a few seconds to generate previews. The service also offers a credit system, allowing users to purchase credits and create multiple styles and colors without having to upload new photos.


    AI Hairstyles offers several benefits to users including:

    1. Time Saving : Users can explore different hairstyles without having to visit the salon multiple times or spend money on trial options.
    2. Saves money : The service eliminates the need for multiple visits to the salon, which reduces the cost of trying out different hairstyles.
    3. Realistic Previews : AI Hairstyles generates highly realistic previews of how the user will look with their chosen hairstyle and color, allowing for more informed decisions.
    4. Privacy : The service ensures data privacy by deleting users' photos after 30 days of inactivity and giving users the option to delete their photos at any time.

    AI Hairstyles is an advanced artificial intelligence-powered service that is revolutionizing the way you learn and try out different hairstyles. With a user-friendly interface, a wide selection of styles and colors, and economical pricing, AI Hairstyles is the ideal tool for those who want to change their hairstyle without the hassle and expense of traditional methods.

The page about AIhairstyles was first published on 2024-05-20 19:46:58 and manually edited on 2024-09-10 13:47:41.

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