Drayk It

Drayk It neural network

  • Business model: Free
  • Drayk It is a web application that allows you to create Drake-inspired songs on any topic using artificial intelligence.

    You can enter any topic that interests you, and the application will generate unique lyrics and melody of the song for you. You can also share your creation with your friends or download it to your device. Drayk It is part of the Mayk.it platform, which offers various tools for AI-powered music creation. On the platform, you can find other apps like Rap It, Pop It, Rock It, etc. that allow you to create songs in different genres. You can also view and rate other users' songs, as well as participate in competitions and challenges.

The Drayk It neural network was first published on 03/07/2023 21:51:50 and manually edited on 09/11/2023 22:47:10.

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