
AskNow neural network

  • Business model: Free
  • If you want to ask a question to any famous person and get a personalized answer, then you should try AskNow. This is a platform where you can select a person from a list of trending personalities or search by name, ask your question and receive an answer generated by artificial intelligence with links to sources.

    AskNow uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning technologies to analyze information about the selected person from various sources, such as interviews, articles, books, podcasts and tweets. He then summarizes this information and forms an answer to your question, taking into account the person's style and tone. You can ask questions on any topic, be it business, technology, philosophy or personal life.

The AskNow neural network was first published on 03/07/2023 21:52:18 and manually edited on 09/11/2023 22:52:32.

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