Neural networks for experiments

AI experiments are a way to explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence in fields ranging from art to education. On this page you will find a catalog of tools that will help you create, train and test neural networks for various purposes. You can try it yourself or see how other people are using AI for their projects.

NSFW Checker
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NSFW Checker

NSFW Filter is a service that allows you to hide unwanted content on web pages using artificial intelligence. The service works as an extension for the Chrome browser and automatically detects and replaces images and videos containing obscene or offensive scenes.

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Papers GPT

Demonstrates how different data sources can be used to enrich GPT's knowledge on specific topics. For example, you can connect to a database of scientific articles and ask questions about them.

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Talk To Books

An innovative service from Google that allows you to search for books using natural language.

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Google Labs

Google Labs is a place where you can try out the latest experiments from Google based on artificial intelligence.

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Alethea AI is an innovative service that allows you to create interactive characters using artificial intelligence. You can describe your character in words, and the CharacterGPT V2 system will generate his visual image, voice and behavior.

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