Elon Musk is considering the possibility of creating a neural network that will be an alternative to ChatGPT

Elon Musk is considering the possibility of creating a neural network that will be an alternative to ChatGPT

Late Tuesday, the billionaire tweeted: “BasedAI.” And that can mean quite a lot. According to insiders, Musk, dissatisfied with OpenAI, which he co-founded, is in negotiations with Igor Babushkin, a former DeepMind AI developer.

Sources say the billionaire has been approaching various AI developers in recent weeks about creating a new lab that could "challenge OpenAI," which Musk founded back in 2015. Musk's new artificial intelligence lab will work to create an alternative to ChatGPT, OpenAI's viral chatbot.

Back in December, Musk criticized OpenAI: “OpenAI was created as a non-profit, open source company (which is why I called it “open” AI) to serve as a counterweight to Google, but has now become a closed, profit-maximizing company effectively controlled by Microsoft.” "Musk said. “Not at all what I had in mind.”

According to the information, Musk has his eye on Igor Babushkin, a researcher who recently left Google's DeepmindAI laboratory. The billionaire's project has not yet been set in stone, Babushkin told The Information, and is still in the early stages. The researcher went on to say that he has not yet officially agreed to join Musk's fledgling lab.

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