Google introduced a neural network for generating music

Google introduced a neural network for generating music

Music could be the next big frontier for AI-powered content creation. Google recently published the results of a study on MusicLM, a system that creates music of any genre based on text description. This is not the first AI music generator. As TechCrunch notes, projects such as Google AudioML and OpenAI Jukebox have dealt with this issue. However, the MusicLM model and extensive training database (280,000 hours of music) help it create music with amazing variety and depth. You might just like the result.

electric guitar

AI can not only combine genres and instruments, but also write tracks using abstract concepts that are usually difficult for a computer to understand. If you want a hybrid of dance music and reggaeton with a "cosmic, otherworldly" melody that evokes "a sense of wonder and awe ," MusicLM can do it. The technology can even create melodies based on hums, whistles or the description of a painting. In Story Mode, you can string together multiple descriptions to create a DJ set or soundtrack.


MusicLM has its problems, as do many artificial intelligence generators. Some songs sound strange, and the vocals are usually incomprehensible.


Other examples can be viewed on the project page:

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