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  • Business model: Freemium
  • Analogue of Soulgen in Telegram
  • SoulGen is an AI tool for creating images based on text prompts that opens new horizons for artists, designers and art lovers. With it, you can quickly and easily turn text descriptions into stunning visual images, be it realistic photographs or anime illustrations. This platform allows users to create unique characters, edit images, and add new elements using simple text commands.

    Creating images using SoulGen occurs in three simple steps: the user must log in, enter a description or hint, and then select a style - real or anime. This makes the process intuitive even for those with no graphic design experience. The platform also offers the ability to edit created images, allowing you to add, delete or change content using text commands. Users can upload their own photos or select from existing ones, greatly expanding their creativity.

    One of SoulGen's most impressive features is its AI Outpainting capability, which allows you to expand an image beyond its original boundaries. This means users can add new elements, such as backgrounds or additional characters, making each work richer and more detailed. This feature is ideal for creating complex scenes and environments that would be impossible to achieve using traditional methods.

    SoulGen also allows users to create characters that can look like real people thanks to its face swap feature. By uploading a reference photo, you can get an image that will resemble someone you know or even a celebrity. This opens up new possibilities for creating personalized characters and virtual avatars. The system offers many customization options, including hairstyles, clothing and other details, allowing users to realize their wildest ideas.

    The platform is also actively developing its capabilities, offering users access to different styles and aspects of image generation. SoulGen supports a variety of formats, allowing users to experiment with different artistic mediums. Thanks to this, everyone can find their own unique style and create something completely new.

    Users can take advantage of a free trial to evaluate the functionality of the platform before deciding to subscribe. This gives them the opportunity to test the core features and see how SoulGen meets their needs. The platform offers various pricing plans, making it accessible to a wide audience.

    SoulGen not only simplifies the process of creating images, but also inspires users to new creative achievements. This is an ideal tool for those who want to quickly and efficiently implement their ideas without spending a lot of time learning complex graphics programs. With SoulGen, anyone can become an artist, creating unique works that reflect their personality and style.

    Soulgen: how to use, instructions, video

  • Soulgen: video

    Soulgen AI - NSFW AI Generator | Face Swap | NSFW AI Chatbot 👾

    Let's try Soulgen AI Generator. Wow this is very good!!

Soulgen page was first published 07/31/2024 11:51:07 and manually edited 08/01/2024 22:27:14.

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