Use of this neural network implies your obligation not to use it to create visual materials without the permission of the persons depicted in them. Illegal distribution of such materials violates human rights to privacy.
If you are under 18 years old, please leave this page.
Find and eliminate leaked photos and videos, especially deepfakes. Find those who violated the privacy policy!
Loti is a facial recognition technology that helps users protect their personal photos and privacy online. With Loti, you can upload your images and check whether they have appeared on the Internet without your consent. This tool can be useful for content creators, parents and those who want to control their own pictures and videos.
With Loti, you can keep your images under control, even when the Internet has decided that privacy isn't the most important thing.
The Loti neural network was first published on 03-11-2023 21:19:16 and manually edited on 07-11-2024 22:15:27.